First Degree
Normally all students are expected to be taught research and statistical analysis during the course of their studies in higher institution. Somehow this might not be the case in some schools and departments. Student with no experience and fore knowledge about how to go about writing final year project tend to struggle on this important task. Also the final year project normally have high credit unit attached to it which could drag your grade point (G.P) down if you submit sub-standard project report which could attract low/poor score.

Typically a project is expected to have the following

i. Introduction

ii. Literature review

iii. Materials and Methods

iv. Results and Discussion

v. Conclusion and Recommendation

vi. References

vii. Appendix

There could be modification to the list above based on your faculty. For example chapter 3 is usually Methodology for social and management sciences, while Materials and methods for Sciences, while Law and Arts have it as Research Analysis and Discussion etc. All you need to do is to communicate to us exactly the arrangement stipulated in your school and faculty.

When you need our service with respect to your project, we expect you to have a project topic/title. To understand more on what a topic should entails, kindly read this article.

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How to share with just friends.

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When we handle your project, the only thing you will do from your side is the field or laboratory work. And whatever you get from these field or laboratory work, you need to send us the raw data. We always advice our clients not to manipulate or falsify data because this could affect the entire research outcomes.

We will take our time out to explain to you all what we did from the introduction to the appendix of your project work. For instance we will explain the result that is making up a chapter in your project write up.

All we need is your maximum corporation and fulfillment of the fee we agreed to for this service.

We don’t plagarise, all citation and referencing style will be to the type your school chose for project works, so you will need to supply us with this before commencement of the service.

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